Paintball Players Safety Guide
This guide is a comprehensive
source of paintball safety information. With more and more
people organizing private games it is very important that
everyone play paintball in a safe manner. With everything from
the proper use of barrel socks, chronographing,
CO2 & HPA regulations and it's proper use to goggle safety &
paintball ballistics, you'll find everything you ever wanted to
know on paintball safety right here. Never worry about
"what should I do" again.

How To Operate A Safe Paintball Field
This up to date manual covers
safety, game rules, HPA & CO2 filling procedures, proper
goggle usage, netting guidelines, proper equipment maintenance,
insurance and more. Everything down to the most minute detail
has been covered from the hundreds of hours put into it's
creation. It's a must for field operators wanting to educate
themselves on paintball safety in order to protect players.

How To Run Your Own Paintball
Learn the ins & outs of paintball
tournaments. Everything involved from formats, judging, rules,
scoring & scheduling have been addressed. Having the knowledge
up front will make for a smooth event weather it's a woods based
event or the latest airball/xball style fields. The guide even
includes schedules, forms, flyers, registration forms and more
on a CD for quick use in Windows based pc's running Word.